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What Is Home Staging & How Can It Help You Sell Faster And Increase The Value?

declutttering home staging Sep 29, 2024
What Is Home Staging & How Can It Help You Sell Faster And Increase The Value?

Home staging—what's the big deal? Well, let me tell you, it’s not just about tidying up and moving some furniture around. Home staging is one of the most effective ways to sell your house quickly and for the best possible price, and I’m here to show you why. Stick with me, and by the end of this post, you'll see just how staging your home can have buyers fighting over it and could add thousands to the final sale price!

What Exactly is Home Staging?

In simple terms, home staging prepares your home for sale by enhancing its presentation. It’s about showcasing your property in a way that makes potential buyers think, “I could totally see myself living here.” We’re talking smart layouts, neutral décor, and removing anything distracting from your home’s best features—especially clutter!

Now, here’s where it gets even better. Staged homes aren’t just pretty to look at—they can also sell faster and for more money. Rightmove reports that a well-staged home can sell for up to 8% more than a non-staged property and other sources claim higher with a 10-15% increase. Imagine you’re selling a home worth £350,000. That’s an extra £28,000 just by making sure your home looks its best!

As someone who’s previously worked in the property industry, I’ve seen first-hand how staging transforms a home’s market appeal. Having also bought, renovated, and sold properties myself, I’ve witnessed the power of presentation in getting top dollar (or pounds, as we say in the UK!) and a much faster sale.

Why Home Staging Matters

If you’re trying to sell your home, the way it’s presented can make or break the sale. Buyers are human, and most can’t visualise how a cluttered or overly personalised space could work for them. They’ll see a lack of storage where there’s actually just too much stuff, or they’ll struggle to imagine how their family might live in your space. And we don’t want that!

Think of home staging as putting on your house’s best outfit for the big day. You’re setting the stage—literally—for buyers to walk in and instantly feel at home. When a property is beautifully presented, buyers are much more likely to make a strong offer. Some might even offer above the asking price because they’re afraid to miss out!

The Stats for 2024 – Still Holding Strong

If you're wondering if this still applies in 2024, the answer is yes! Despite fluctuations in the UK housing market, that 8%+ figure is as relevant as ever. With the average house price in the UK hovering around approximately £342,000 as of September 2024, staging can potentially add over £27,000 to your sale. So, trust me, a bit of time and effort upfront can have serious financial rewards.

Plus, staged homes don’t just fetch more—they sell faster. In 2024, it’s estimated that staged properties move off the market 3 times quicker than those that aren’t. So, if you're keen to sell fast and for the best possible price, staging is a no-brainer.

How to Get Started with Staging

Let’s get into the practical side. Staging doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. In fact, some of the best changes are quick fixes that make a massive difference in how buyers perceive your home.

Want a quick low-down of what you could do to improve your home? 

  • Declutter: Remove excess items from surfaces and rooms. Less is more!
  • Deep Clean: Ensure your home is spotless—clean carpets, windows, and surfaces.
  • Neutral Decor: Repaint any bold walls in neutral tones to appeal to a wider audience. (Effort, but worth it, and you don't need to Farrow & Ball it if you're on a budget) 
  • Furniture Arrangement: Rearrange furniture to create a welcoming flow and highlight space.
  • Personal Items: Remove excess personal photos and knickknacks to help buyers envision themselves in the home.
  • Brighten Up: Use good lighting. Consider adding lamps or bright bulbs to dark corners and turning them on!
  • Curb Appeal: Tidy up the garden, mow the lawn, and add a few potted plants to the entrance.
  • Freshen Up: Use subtle scents like fresh flowers, a tasteful diffuser, or, if you want to act like you're in a movie, bake a fresh loaf of bread to set the scene! (I don't have time for this!)
  • Accessorize: Add a few well-placed accessories like cushions or throws to create warmth.
  • Repair and Refresh: Fix any visible issues like leaky taps or squeaky doors.


Photos vs. Viewings – What You Need to Know

Seeing your home through photos and in person are two completely different experiences. You’ve got one shot at making the best impression when buyers are browsing RightmoveZoopla or On The Market. You want your home to stand out—so yes, you need to be a bit ruthless when prepping for photos.

When my estate agent, shoutout to James Gesner, came over, I took an hour out of my workday to make sure every room looked perfect before he snapped away. I even took down my second computer screen because while it’s great for viewings to show off how much workspace you’ve got, it just didn’t look as polished in the photos. Yes, it’s more effort, but when you consider how much it can add to your sale price, I’d say it’s worth it!

If you want a quick checklist of things to hide in your home before photos, check out my Instagram post here or listen to The Space Creator Show Podcast episode 20 on Apple or Spotify for more details.

For viewings, you don’t need to go to such extremes, but keeping things tidy and minimal will always work in your favour.

Why Consider Hiring a Home Staging Expert?

If all this feels a bit overwhelming, you can always bring in the pros. A home staging expert can give you tailored advice on how to make your home look its best, helping you achieve maximum value and a quicker sale. You don’t need to rent expensive furniture or make drastic changes, but even small tweaks can make a world of difference.

I offer a home staging report service that includes pre-move decluttering, styling, and even a little photo-day tweaking. While I’m fully booked for 2024, I will have availability for 2025 in Oxfordshire, Berkshire, and the Cotswolds. If you’re planning to move next year and want to ensure your home sells for top value, get in touch! My staging reports are designed to help you highlight the best features of your home and remove anything that might be holding it back from reaching its full potential.

Final Thoughts

Whether your home just needs a bit of decluttering or a full refresh, home staging is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal when it comes to selling. Not only can it help you sell faster, but it could also add tens of thousands of pounds to your sale price. A little effort goes a long way!

If you’re planning to sell your home and need some guidance, keep an eye out for more tips in future blog posts and Instagram posts. And if you’re in the Oxfordshire, Berkshire, or Cotswolds areas and want to make sure your home looks its absolute best before hitting the market in 2025, let’s chat; you can book a free discovery call here

Did you find this post useful? If so, please comment below to let me know!

Amy xx

-Your decluttering bestie

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