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7 Simple Tips to Become an Early Riser and Create More Time in Your Day

healthy habits life organisation Sep 29, 2024
7 Simple Tips to Become an Early Riser and Create More Time in Your Day

If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a morning person but can’t imagine dragging yourself out of bed at 5am, you’re not alone. We’re all busy, and whether you’re working, managing the kids, or juggling life’s endless demands, it can feel impossible to carve out any time for yourself. Maybe you don’t even have time to watch TV in the evenings, let alone focus on your personal goals. So, if you’re looking to create more time in your day, getting up earlier might just be the key.

Prefer listening to reading? Click here to listen to the Podcast Episode. 

Now, before you think, “There’s no way I can do that,” hear me out. Even as an early bird myself, I don’t always leap out of bed feeling like sunshine. There are days when the snooze button calls my name, but having a solid plan—and knowing why you’re doing it—makes all the difference. Ready to give it a try? Here are some tips to help make those early mornings a bit easier.

1. Know Your Why

Before you decide to wake up at the crack of dawn, figure out why you want to get up early in the first place. If you’re just doing it because it sounds productive, you won’t stick with it. Instead, think about what you’ll actually do with that extra hour. Write it down, visualise it, and really feel how it’ll improve your day. Maybe you want time to yourself for a morning coffee, to finally tackle that never-ending pile of laundry, or to fit in a workout before the day begins. Whatever it is, your ‘why’ will be your motivation to crawl out of bed when it’s still dark outside.

2. Add a Little Self-Care

Let’s be honest, getting up early just for necessity is not going to cut it. If you want to make this a habit, add something enjoyable to your morning routine. This could be as simple as having a peaceful cup of tea in the garden, reading a book, or even sitting in silence for five minutes. It’s your reward for getting up, and trust me, it’ll help. When you wake up and feel yourself about to hit snooze, remind yourself of that little treat you’ve got waiting. You’ll be amazed at how motivating it can be!

3. No Negotiations—Jump Straight Out of Bed

We’ve all done it: "Just two more minutes..." which quickly turns into 20. The best way to avoid this trap? Don’t even start the negotiation. The moment your alarm goes off, jump out of bed. It sounds simple, but it really works. I learned a great tip from a Mel Robbins book years ago, where she suggests counting down from 5 to 1 and then just going. Don’t think, just move! It’s amazing how much easier it is to get up when you don’t give yourself the option to stay in bed.

4. Create a Morning Routine

A solid morning routine makes all the difference. Knowing exactly what you’re going to do as soon as you wake up means fewer decisions (and excuses) to make while you’re still groggy. Your routine doesn’t need to be complicated. It could be as simple as drinking water, washing your face, doing a quick stretch, and making your bed. The point is to create something that works for you. It could evolve over time, but having a set plan to start the day will make those early mornings much easier. If you haven't read or listened to it, I highly recommend The Miracle Morning; it might just change your life. 

5. Invest in a Lumie Lamp

This one is a bit of a game-changer. I’m not being paid to say this, but my Lumie lamp has completely transformed how I wake up. It mimics a sunrise, gradually brightening the room over the course of 30 minutes, which helps you wake up naturally rather than being jolted awake by a blaring alarm. I haven’t used a phone alarm in years! It’s a much gentler way to start your day, and it’s especially helpful in the winter months when it’s pitch black outside at 5am. Plus, it’s less stressful for your mind and body—no more cortisol spikes from loud alarms!

One of my clients who also has the lamp said to me recently that the reviews are terrible online because it's a bit of a faff to set up initially. It reminded me that it was, but my client pointed out that it's because we are all so used to everything being instant these days. Our iPhone time updates when we go on holiday for example, we are all so bloody impatient! As long as you read the instructions and keep your wig on, it's totally fine, and once it's set up, it's amazing. 

6. Don’t Sabotage Your Early Mornings with Late Nights

Now, this one is crucial: if you want to get up early, you have to go to bed early. Scrolling through Instagram or watching “just one more” episode of that Netflix series is a surefire way to ruin your early wake-up goal. Time flies when you’re doom-scrolling, and before you know it, it’s midnight, and you’re setting yourself up for a groggy morning. Decide on a bedtime that gives you enough rest (women, we generally need more sleep than men!), and stick to it. For me, it’s all about being in bed by 9, asleep by 10.

7. Create an Evening Routine

Your morning starts the night before. A calming evening routine can make all the difference in how well you sleep and how easily you wake up. Avoid blue light an hour before bed—yes, that means no scrolling! Try reading a book, listening to a calming podcast, or journaling about your day. I like to listen to guided visualisations before bed to help me focus on gratitude and positive thoughts rather than ruminating on whatever stressed me out during the day. It’s a lovely way to wind down and sets me up for a peaceful sleep.

Final Thoughts

Getting up early isn’t always easy, but with some planning and a few key habits, you’ll find it worth it. Whether you’re looking for more time for self-care, finally finishing that to-do list, or starting your day with a sense of calm, these tips will help you make early mornings your new norm. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection—so if you miss a day here or there, don’t stress! Just jump back in the next day and keep going.

Now are you going to give this a try? I had lots of emails and messages on Instagram from listeners of the podcast episode saying they loved the inspo! If you want to listen to that, click here

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Amy xx

-Your decluttering bestie

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