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3 Simple Decluttering Starting Points for When You Feel Overwhelmed

declutttering home organisation Apr 04, 2024
3 Simple Decluttering Starting Points for When You Feel Overwhelmed

A common dilemma many of us face is where to start decluttering when feeling completely overwhelmed. I've got three ideas for quick wins that'll help you kick procrastination to the curb and get straight to the decluttering action. So, grab a pen and paper or open up your notes app because we're about to tackle the crucial first step: setting goals for success.

Setting Goals for Success

Before you begin decluttering, take a moment to reflect on what you truly want from your home and life. Visualise how you want your space to feel and function. By setting clear goals and intentions, you'll stay focused and motivated and ensure that your decluttering efforts align with your vision.

Start Small, Think Bite-size

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your clutter-free life. Start with small, manageable tasks that you can easily accomplish in a short amount of time. Avoid overwhelming yourself by focusing on bite-size areas you can tackle in one go. This approach prevents you from feeling deflated and ensures you make noticeable progress.

Instant Wins: Three Areas to Tackle

  1. The Junk Drawer: Almost every household has one—a drawer filled with random odds and ends. Empty out your junk drawer and sort through its contents. Get rid of broken, expired, or unnecessary items, and organise the remaining ones into categories. Designate a specific place for each item to prevent future clutter.

  2. Bathroom Cabinet: Dive into your bathroom cabinet and declutter any expired medications, half-empty shampoo bottles, or unused toiletries. Be ruthless and get rid of anything you don't use or love. Avoid buying storage containers right away—use what you have on hand to keep your toiletries neatly organised.

  3. The Sock Drawer: It might seem trivial, but organising your sock drawer can significantly impact your sense of order. Pair up mismatched socks and get rid of any worn-out or holey ones. Organise your socks by colour or type and use simple storage solutions, like shoeboxes or drawer dividers, to keep them tidy.

Celebrate Your Wins

As you tackle each area, celebrate your progress and congratulate yourself on a job well done. Acknowledging your achievements will build momentum and keep you motivated to continue decluttering. Decluttering is a journey, so take it one step at a time and stay focused on your ultimate goal of a clutter-free home.

Ready to Get Started?

Feeling inspired to tackle your clutter? Download my free One Thing at a Time Checklist for tiny decluttering tasks to help you progress and build momentum. Most of these tasks can be completed in less than 20 minutes, making them perfect for quick wins. Click here for your free download.

So, there you have three places to start when you're overwhelmed with clutter. Take it slow, celebrate your wins, and focus on creating a space that brings you joy and peace. You've got this!

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Amy xx

-Your decluttering bestie

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